Our Green Philosophy
At Guide Construction Solutions we know we’re not perfect, but we are compelled to continuously improve how we guide towards sustainable building solutions.
We have developed a deep respect for the land that we operate in, as we have traveled through it many times. As guide’s in our industry, it is our passion and duty to communicate our values in sustainable building. Guide Construction Solutions has the capability and knowledge to implement the most cutting edge green building technologies and materials into homes, and in a perfect world everyone would be able to build this way. The reality is that sustainable building is more expensive and not always feasible within budgets. We work with our clients to incorporate sustainable means and methods into their homes on any level. Our respect and appreciation for Vermont’s land drives us to think consciously about how our work impacts the environment. Guide Construction Solutions has set standards in how we build and what we build with in order to maximize our own efficiency and minimize the waste we produce as builders. We know we’re on the journey, but we haven’t arrived yet.